In order to maintain and improve the health of our employees, which is the property of the company, we made the “Healthy Company” Declaration in 2017, and continue to work on and practice health management.
We would like to introduce our “Health Management Initiatives” in several steps.
This time, I would like to introduce the “Healthy Company” declaration.
“Healthy Company” declaration
In order to extend the healthy life of employees through our efforts to manage the health of employees and the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, which are our valuable assets, based on the idea of healthy management, we manage mental and physical health within our company. We will implement manufacturing efforts.
☆ Executives practice health promotion themselves
Once a year, we undergo a medical examination and pay attention to physical condition management.
After a medical examination, if a decision is made that treatment is required or a detailed examination is required, employees will be treated immediately.
☆Employees are our valuable human resources
We will strive to create an environment in which all employees can receive health checkups and pay attention to employee health management.
After the medical checkup, we will promptly prompt those who are judged to require medical treatment or detailed examination.
☆ Foster health awareness for all employees
We will work to cultivate awareness of health in the company,such as by deciding who is in charge of promoting health.
☆Information about health
Based on the results of medical examinations, we will set goals to be tackled by the Company and will disseminate efforts to achieve those goals.
☆ Promote health promotion as a company
We will strive to create an environment where the specific protection guidance provided by Japan Health Insurance Association (Kempo association) can be used.
☆ Health promotion is an investment in the future
Through health promotion, we will work to improve and improve the work environment and make further efforts to vitalize it.
In order for employees to work with peace of mind, think about the health of their families and encourage them to undergo medical examinations.